A mind body
movement studio

Move your way to wellness. We believe intentional movement can pave the way to a life of balance, energy, and strength.


Certified GYROTONIC Trainer

Book a private session in the comfort and serene atmosphere of an indoor & outdoor studio in Cheviot Hills, California. Remote teaching via Zoom or FaceTime are also available.

Attuned to your unique needs.

We tailor and shape our instruction around your goals, lifestyle, and ability levels. So no matter your age, experience, or phase in life, our remote and private sessions will be aligned with your needs.


Kind Words


Repair | Restore | Renew | Empower

Illuminating the
mind body connection.

For us, movement is about checking in with ourselves, rather than checking out. We can help direct your movement’s intention so your body gets the attention and care that’s needed to lead a pain-free, fit, and happy life.

See how mindful movements can give you more balance, energy, and grace.